Mat Pilates
Mat Pilates is taught at the Pilates Studio in Stamford and at Fletton House Dance Studio in Oundle.
Mat based Pilates uses both Classical Pilates techniques and contemporary Pilates to guide body movement.
Using the body alone, or incorporating small equipment to enhance practice, Mat Pilates increases both strength and range of movement with an underlying focus on improving core stability.
Increased core strength improves overall spine health, body posture, relieves back pain and often creates better body alignment which can reduce unnecessary strain on key joints.
Max. class size: 8 clients*
C l a s s P r i c e s
S t u d i o M a t
Class Pass x 4 £60 (£15 per class)
Class Pass x 6 £84 (£14 per class)
Single Mat Class £16
H o w t o B o o k
Classes run in blocks, or 'terms', of six weeks which roughly follow the school calendar.
Buy a Class Pass in blocks of 4 or 6 classes, for either Mat OR Reformer.
Pick and chose the mat classes you want to do, any time, any day, and book your space online. Waiting lists available.
OR chose pay-as-you-go to book individual classes.
* Oundle class sizes larger
Please read Important Notes before booking:
(see Terms & Conditions for full details)
Class Passes can be purchased at any time during term, but must be used by the end of the term purchased. They cannot be carried over to the following term and refunds are not given for unused classes.
All classes must be booked in advance and paid for online, no payment can be taken in class.
Spaces and Class Passes are non transferrable to other clients.
Transfers must be made through the online booking system until 12 hours of class. Transfers are then not possible and non attendance spaces will not be refunded.
Due to transfer system allowing flexibility to move classes, refunds are not given for cancellation. Refunds are only given at the discretion of Pilates Practice Stamford.