Reformer Pilates
Pilates Reformer machines use a pulley system of ropes, springs and a moving 'carriage' to enable an extended range of movement and deeper body experience of the Pilates technique. It is particularly good at assessing and improving body alignment and multiple muscle engagement through all planes of movement.
Reformer Classes are currently a mixed ability blend of level 1 and 2 practice. Levels 1 and 2 usually reflect experience, ability and health condition. If classes are not suitable at the current level offered, private instruction may be required to help with progression.
Reformer Level 1: Beginners and beginner improvers, or with health conditions that may reduce level of practice.
Reformer Level 2: With Reformer experience, knowledge of basic to intermediate moves and with no health concerns for legs in straps overhead work.
Pilates Practice Stamford is proud to use Align Reformer machines, supporting a UK brand of pilates equipment.
Max. class size: 6 clients
​C l a s s P r i c e s
R e f o r m e r
Class Pass x 4 £76 (£19 per class)
Class Pass x 6 £108 (£18 per class)
Single Reformer Class £20
Reformer Induction £25
H o w t o B o o k
Classes run in blocks, or 'terms', of six weeks which roughly follow the school calendar.
Buy a Class Pass in blocks of 4 or 6 classes for either Reformer OR Mat.
Pick and chose the Reformer classes you want to do, any time, any day, and book your space online. Waiting lists available.
OR chose pay-as-you-go to book individual classes.
A Reformer Induction is required before Reformer practice (subject to experience). This can be purchased alongside, but not part of, a Class Pass to complete the term. Please go to booking page for next Reformer Induction dates.
You may be asked to complete some Mat classes prior to Reformer practice.
Please read Important Notes before booking:
(see Terms & Conditions for full details)
Class Passes can be purchased at any time during term, but must be used by the end of the term purchased. They cannot be carried over to the following term and refunds are not given for unused classes.
All classes must be booked in advance and paid for online, no payment can be taken in class.
Spaces and Class Passes are non transferrable to other clients.
Transfers must be made through the online booking system until 12 hours of class. Transfers are then not possible and non attendance spaces will not be refunded.