Pilates Courses
P i l a t e s f o r M e n
Using the "Reformer" Pilates machine you will be guided through the key principles of Pilates exercise. The technique is low impact but high in core activation, body control, mental focus and full body engagement.
There is a six week beginners course for men with some moderate fitness and above, and going forward from there a move into Improvers level for on going practice. NOTE: Induction not required prior to course.
For next course start dates please go to booking site for latest calendar. (Link at top of page).
Mondays 5.30 - 6.15pm & 6.30 - 7.15pm
Course cost: £108​
M e l l o w M o v e r s P i l a t e s
This new course aims to help build core strength, improve back health, increase joint stability and mobility, and aid balance and coordination. This will be done by practicing the Pilates exercise technique.
It is aimed at people with niggling pains they try to manage whilst exercising, those with reduced range of movement or with trouble getting down or up from the floor, kneeling or standing for long periods of time or those completely new to exercise…amongst other restrictions to movement.
It is a mat based course which will also use small equipment to help guide movements in order to get the most from each exercise.
Although mat based, the class will have balance support props, use of small stools or adapted standing work to be able to accommodate peoples’ varying body conditions.
It is therefore a slower paced class and patience and inclusion are key attributes to the class, encouraging everyone to do the best they can.
Mondays 1.00 - 2.00pm
Course cost: £84
For next course start dates please go to booking site for latest calendar. (Link at top of page).
Please note: This is NOT a replacement for medical attention or medically lead movement. A Health Questionnaire will need to be completed before the first class. If necessary verbal medical clearance from your health care professional may be recommended before starting this course.
M I x e d A b i l i t y M a t P i l a t e s (O u n d l e)
Mixed ability Mat Pilates class for 1 hour. Some occasional use of small equipment. Support cushions provided, but please bring your own mat.​
Term Class Pass £78
Single Class £14
Course payment notes:
A 'course' may be for six weeks only, with each class building on the last, so not for 'pay-as-you-go' clients. Consequently there is a one off course cost, payable in advance. An 'on-going course' in a different location, such as Oundle Fletton House classes, restarts termly and therefore allows for 'pay-as-you-go' attendees.
P o s t - n a t a l P i l a t e s
(currently unavailable)
When feeling ready and able to restart exercise, Pilates offers a safe and steady way to help the body recover and heal from both pregnancy and birth. Typically 6 wks after birth (8-12 wks for c-section) or after other GP approval. The exercises are carefully designed to help rebuild the body for full, long term recovery as well as helping ease daily 'new mum' tasks.
Post-natal Pilates exercise focuses on;
rebuilding core and pelvic floor muscles
re-stabilising the pelvis
strengthening the spine and
improving overall body alignment & posture
Bring baby along for all important socialising and well-being time. Block book the six week course or book individual classes.
Starting: TBC
Course cost: £ n/a
A n t e n a t a l P i l a t e s
(currently unavailable)
During pregnancy the body undergoes an incredible transformation and there can be plenty of challenges to deal with as a result.
Pilates is an ideal form of safe exercise to help the body, and mind, cope with these changes whilst also preparing Mum physically for childbirth and post-natal recovery.
Antenatal Pilates classes focus on;
strengthening abdominal & pelvic floor muscles
stabilising the pelvis
maintaining spinal strength and flexibility
reducing the impact on posture as bump and baby grows
as well as practicing breathing techniques which can be useful in labour
Block book the six week course or book individual classes. All classes are designed to accommodate all trimesters of pregnancy.
Starting: TBC
Course cost: £ n/a​​