Booking now live for next term!

Class Options
Beginner and Improver Level Mat Pilates classes are now available in this bespoke Pilates Studio. The only one in Stamford!
If you're starting your Pilates journey chose Foundation Pilates level. Or contact Clare for guidance.
Click here to check which class level is best for you.
Reformer Pilates uses machines to deepen your Pilates experience through stretch and strength, body control and core activation.
You will need a Reformer Induction before you start your first class (unless you have used Reformer machines before).
Click here to check if Reformer is right for you.
Pilates for Men - A 6 week Reformer Pilates course for Beginners, then moving into Improver level for on going practice..
Mellow Movers Pilates - A 6 week Mat Pilates course for the slower, more cautious mover.
Studio based individual 1-2-1 sessions with an instructor, on mat, reformer or both to meet your own specific goals or needs.
For more information or to check availability please Contact the Studio.
Rae Bird - Kind Yoga
Yoga for all body types, genders, ages and abilities. No need to be flexible, strong or fit.
Thursday 1.00 - 2.00pm
For details, or to book, visit www.raebirdyoga.com